Healing, Wisdom and Transformation through Poetry

Dr Susanne Boerner

11/22/20241 min read

person about to touch the calm water
person about to touch the calm water

A Journey

A journey of transformation and expansion -

Of reconnection.

Of soul encounters.

Of facing my limits.

Of transcendence.

Of being held by the vastness.

Of spiritual growth.

Of embracing life itself –

As my greatest teacher.

A journey

of arriving and departing,

of inner silence and peace,

A journey

Of shedding layers,

Of stepping more fully into my dreams.

A journey of healing, (un-)learning,

Of embracing my Soul,

While expanding my spirit.

A journey of companionship,

Of connection with self.

A journey of

Love, romance, friendship,

Adventure, the ordinary.

A journey of

Peace, joy, laughter,

Of conflicting emotions,

Grief for Nature,

Spiritual hope, ritual,

And healing.

A journey of

connection with humanity and the Divine –

that permeates everything.

And what stays is

Gratefulness, for all that is,

And for all that has been,

for me to be here and alive today,

with an open heart and soul,

shining out my light and healing,

and stepping fully into my power.

S. Boerner, August 2024

Guided by the Spirits

Blessed I am

For I walk in both worlds,

And shift between them with grace.

Blessed I am,

For I have lifted the veil,

Weaving together what had been broken.

A connector of worlds,

A messenger of Spirit,

A Healer initiated,

By ancient wisdom.

I chant to the stars, the wind, and the moon.

I give thanks to what was, to what is,

And to what will be.

I step into the power granted to me

Through the Great Grandmother of the Shamans

From a place of love,

Knowing my responsibility –

To use these powers wisely

And to wield them with love,

To fully step into service.

To release, time and again,

My old self.

To become and to unbecome.

The white owl spreading its wings,

And taking flight,

With the winds that blow,

Now that I have set sail.

And yet,

I never fly alone

For I am a child of the Great Spirit,

And held by those who have walked long before me.

S. Boerner, November 2024